UVC LED: World-Class Disinfection for Frequently Shared or Frequently Touched Objects.  Rapid, Reliable, Efficient

In today’s world, maintaining a clean and sanitized environment is of utmost importance. Since 2018, Cleanbox Technology has been a global leader in the field of surface disinfection with our innovative use of UVC LED light technology. In this article, we will explore the concept of UVC decontamination, highlight the superiority of UVC LED technology over traditional UV bulbs, discuss the advantages of UVC light over disinfectant wipes, and shed light on the importance of this technology in the realm of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). 


UVC decontamination involves the use of ultraviolet (UV) light in the wavelength range of 200 to 280 nanometers to effectively eliminate harmful pathogens, bacteria, and viruses from various surfaces. Cleanbox Technology has harnessed the power of UVC LED light disinfection. Our solutions operate at the 265 nanometer wavelength which ensures a thorough and highly efficient sanitization process without and risk of damage to fabrics, plastics, lenses or electronics. Cleanbox patented UVC LED solutions leverage the nanometer wavelength and the dosage to rapidly decontaminate without the risks associated with traditional UVC bulb solutions. Cleanbox UVC LED technology is not only highly effective but also offers enhanced safety, longevity, energy efficiency, and the ability for rapid, on-demand disinfection, something that no other solution can achieve in 1 minute. 


UVC LED lights prove to be superior to traditional UV bulbs in several aspects. One significant advantage lies in their startup time. Traditional bulbs require a warm-up period, ranging from two to ten minutes, before reaching full power and efficiency. LED lights can be switched on and off instantly without any warm-up times. This capability allows for on-demand disinfection, making it highly convenient and efficient for various applications. Moreover, LED lights are known for their energy efficiency. They consume significantly less power compared to traditional UV bulbs while still delivering intense UVC light. This energy efficiency not only reduces operational costs but also extends the lifespan of the LEDs exponentially, making them a more sustainable and cost-effective choice. Cleanbox UVC LED devices are designed for 4 years of continuous, heavy-duty use, without any maintenance or bulb replacements, something no other technology can claim. While the technology that Cleanbox utilizes is much more expensive than traditional UV bulbs, the long term impact on health and safety along with the ROI (Return on Investment) generated over 4 years is unmatched.  

The ability to instantly power up the LEDs not only ensures rapid and effective sanitization but also contributes to significant power savings. LEDs operate only during treatment cycles, and they can be instantly switched off during no-flow conditions. In contrast, conventional UV systems with warm-up requirements often remain switched on and operate at full output, consuming unnecessary energy. 

To explain the key issues with traditional UVC bulbs (not UVC LED), this statement is directly from the Phillips website regarding UVC bulbs and their impact on materials:

A word of caution
UV-C lamps present minimum risk when used by professionals who know how to use them. They must shield their eyes and skin to avoid light damage and severe injuries to the eyes and skin. We advise customers to exercise caution when selecting equipment and look for evidence of third party testing as well as certification of device materials and electrical components by well-known organizations such as NSF, UL, CSA, DVGW-OVGW or other international requirements as applicable.

Phillips Corporation


As the shared use of XR Headsets proliferates worldwide at an exponential pace, the important of rapidly disinfecting these devices BETWEEN EVERY USE, is of paramount importance. Nothing will slow the industry more than making people feel unsafe or uncomfortable using these devices. Particularly devices that are used in commercial, healthcare, government, or education settings, the impact of ineffective cleaning of these devices between uses means spreading germs and bacteria at an expontential rate.  Even in a post-pandemic world, the impact of the Cold and Flu on workforce productivity is a trillion $ problem in the US alone. 

Cleanbox Technology’s UVC LED light disinfection ensures comprehensive sanitization of any XR headset without the need for chemical agents, making it a safer and more efficient choice for maintaining a germ-free environment when . 

The immersive world of virtual reality (VR) has become increasingly popular, transforming the way we experience entertainment, education, and more. However, VR equipment, such as headsets, is often shared among users, raising concerns about hygiene and cross-contamination. This is where UVC LED light disinfection becomes particularly vital in the VR world. 

Cleanbox Technology’s innovative utilization of UVC LED light disinfection technology marks a significant milestone in the pursuit of cleanliness and hygiene. UVC LED lights offer unparalleled advantages over traditional UV bulbs, including instant startup and energy efficiency. The use of UVC light surpasses disinfectant wipes, providing thorough and consistent disinfection without the need for chemical agents. In the VR world, where shared equipment poses hygiene challenges, UVC LED light disinfection ensures a safe and germ-free environment for users. The ability to instantly power up the LEDs enables on-demand disinfection, promoting efficiency and power savings. As technology continues to evolve, Cleanbox Technology’s integration of UVC LED light disinfection sets the standard for cleanliness, paving the way for a more immersive and hygienic VR experience. 


Search the internet for UVC in a box and you’ll find many options, some targeted directly to shared devices such as XR headsets. There are units of various sizes and shapes that all claim to decontaminate quickly and effectively. And since UVC Bulbs are far cheaper than UVC LED technology, at least initially, the price points of these alternatives are intriguing. While some of these devices are effective charging and storage units, they should not serve as solutions for rapid decontamination. Oftentimes, the claims being made by these alternatives are highly questionable and unvalidated. 

Let’s address a few basic problems with UVC bulb systems which UVC LED technology does not have: 

  1. UVC Bulbs take time to reach full output capacity, up to 10 minutes, unlike LEDs they cannot reach full power in 1 minute. So when it comes to the true speed of decontamination and reaching high degrees of decontamination of 99.999%, its virtually impossible for UVC bulb systems to achieve it.
  2. UVC Bulbs cannot precisely control the distance and dosage. A simple analogy is to think about hitting a target 50 yards away with a shotgun vs laser beam technology. If you need to hit 100% of the target every single time, laser beams can be precisely targeted every time, where as a shotgun may only hit a variable portion of the target
  3. UVC Bulb devices are general large and marketed as systems that can decontaminate a large number of objects. While the boxes may store a large number of objects, the amount of shadows in these boxes, for example by having devices sitting on metal trays, or having the angle of a device pointed away from the direct source of light. These shadows reinforce the analogy of the shotgun approach. When it comes to achieving full decontamination between every use of an XR device, these large UVC boxes do not solve the issue.
  4. UVC Bulbs often contain hazardous materials such as mercury, making replacements and usage riskier for broad scale use.
  5. UVC Bulbs generate extensive heat and gasses which can have detrimental effects of plastics, fabrics, lenses, and electronics. Exposing a senstive devices such as a Virtual reality or augemente drelaity headsets to excessive amounts of UVC in ways that are not dosed correcty, overtime will result in damage to plastics, fabrics, lenses and other sensitive areas of devices.


Do a google search on the “impact of UVC Bulbs on materials” and you’ll find dozens of articles indicating that discuss the negative impact of UVC on materials. Statements include: “With excessive exposure to UV radiation, materials can lose their strength, become less flexible, fade in color, and crack. Some types of material are more susceptible to UV-C than others. UV-C light can affect many synthetic and natural polymers, including neoprene, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and most types of rubber.”  With traditional UVC bulbs this is in fact the case. 

However, not all UVC is the same. Cleanbox Technology UVC LED engineering, nanometer wavelength, and precise dosage, have been proven to not have these negative impacts even after thousands of hours of usage. Cleanbox UVC LED devices have been recommended by most industry leading XR headset manufacturers after long and extensive testing on their specific devices. In addition, Cleanbox Technology has proven itself since 2019, with over 2,000 enterprise clients worldwide, currently perform over 500,000 cleaning cycles a month, and have shown no negative impact on the devices even after more than 4 years of continuous use.

Comparison FactorUVC LEDUVC Bulbs
Energy EfficiencyHighModerate
Size and Form FactorCompactBulky
Instant On/OffYesNo
Heat GenerationLowHigh
UV Output ControlPreciseLimited
Environmental ImpactLowerHigher
Comparison of UVC LED to UVC Bulbs

Explanation of Comparison Factors:

  1. Energy Efficiency: UVC LEDs are highly energy-efficient, requiring less power to operate compared to UVC bulbs.
  2. Lifespan: UVC LEDs have a longer lifespan, typically lasting for thousands of hours, while UVC bulbs require frequent replacement.
  3. Size and Form Factor: UVC LEDs are compact and offer more flexibility in design and integration, while UVC bulbs are bulkier.
  4. Instant On/Off: UVC LEDs can be instantly turned on and off, providing immediate disinfection, whereas UVC bulbs require warm-up and cool-down time.
  5. Mercury-Free: UVC LEDs do not contain mercury, making them safer for the environment and easier to handle compared to UVC bulbs.
  6. Heat Generation: UVC LEDs produce less heat during operation, minimizing the risk of damage to nearby components, unlike UVC bulbs.
  7. Durability: UVC LEDs are more durable and resistant to shocks and vibrations, whereas UVC bulbs are fragile and prone to breakage.
  8. UV Output Control: UVC LEDs offer precise control over UV output, enabling better customization for specific disinfection requirements, while UVC bulbs have limited control.
  9. Environmental Impact: UVC LEDs have a lower environmental impact due to their energy efficiency and mercury-free composition, compared to UVC bulbs.
  10. Cost: UVC LEDs are generally more expensive upfront, but their longer lifespan and energy efficiency can result in cost savings over time, while UVC bulbs have a lower initial cost but higher maintenance costs.

For a deep dive on UVC, read the full Cleanbox whitepaper on UVC

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