VR Headsets Are Increasingly Common in Food Service Training: Modern Sanitation Methods Are a Must

When joining a new food service business, employees have to learn a wide variety of skills, both in terms of the foods and beverages they will have to produce and the customer service they will provide. A growing number of food service businesses are turning to virtual reality to make employee training easier, faster, and more efficient. Since VR headsets are often shared, they have to be sanitized with a UV cleaning box.

Ultraviolet light disinfection is highly effective, environmentally friendly, and doesn’t cost businesses as much as traditional cleaning methods, such as wiping. What’s more, the cleaning boxes are incredibly fast and headsets are fully sanitized within 60 seconds. Therefore, food service companies can avoid lengthy cleaning routines and speed up their training sessions.

VR Headsets Are Increasingly Common in Food Service Training: Modern Sanitation Methods Are a Must

For larger food service businesses like Honeygrow, creating effective and personalized training sessions that help new employees feel part of the team can be a challenge. One of the most promising solutions is the use of VR headsets. With virtual reality, higher-level employees can welcome new hires personally without having to travel all over the country. What’s more, trainees can easily and quickly learn to deal with various situations and hazards.

Because VR devices are expensive and training sessions often only last for a few days or weeks, companies can’t buy new headsets for each person. Instead, the equipment has to be shared and cleaned between each user. The most effective sanitation method is ultraviolet cleaning, which can get rid of 99.999% of bacteria and viruses within a minute.

How to Clean VR Headsets with a UV Cleaning Box

Cleaning a VR headset or another electronic device with a UV cleaning device is extremely easy, and every employee can learn how to operate the box in a few minutes. They simply have to open the CleanBox, place the device inside, select the right cleaning cycle, and close the door. The RBG lights will indicate whether the machine is cleaning and when it is done.

After 60 seconds, employees can remove their devices from the cleaning box and hand them to the next person. The equipment is now clean because the pathogens’ DNA and RNA have been deactivated by ultraviolet light, so they can no longer replicate.

Why Companies Are Using UV Sanitation Instead of Traditional Cleaning Methods

When the Coronavirus pandemic first started, many businesses realized that their cleaning methods weren’t up to par. At first, the only option was to purchase wipes and sprays. However, this method isn’t ideal because not all materials can be cleaned with liquid disinfectant, and it can be hard to reach every surface on intricate electronic equipment.

UV sanitation is a much better alternative for small and medium-sized gadgets such as headsets, earphones, tablets, phones, kitchen equipment, shoes, wallets, and purses. It is safer for everyone, cheaper in the long run, and better for the environment. What’s more, UV cleaning can save a lot of time and help businesses become more efficient.

Enhanced Safety

Most wipes are very effective at getting rid of pathogens on flat, even, and hard surfaces. Unfortunately, electronic devices like headsets don’t fit this description, so there is no guarantee that all viruses and bacteria are removed when the gadgets are wiped.

CleanBox products are manufactured using patented UVC LED light engineering, which can deactivate 99.999% of pathogens. Because there are no shadows inside the box and up to 30 LEDs are used, every surface can be disinfected, even if it is uneven. What’s more, there’s no need to use toxic chemicals, which could pose a health hazard to both employees and customers of a food service business.

Decreased Cost

Companies often mistakenly believe that UV cleaning is much more expensive than using wipes. While this is true in the short term, the long-term cost of buying and disposing of plastic wipes is higher than that of buying a CleanBox, which is a one-off purchase with no disposable elements.

Each UV cleaning box can be used for approximately 10,000 hours or 600,000 cleaning cycles. Even when used extensively, it is likely to last for several years or even a decade. What’s more, expensive electronic equipment can be cleaned safely with the box, so it is likely to last longer than if it is covered in chemicals after every use.

Time Savings

People working in food service are often extremely busy. Making a profit is hard because CEOs have to pay for rent, raw materials, and employee wages. To make sure time isn’t wasted, all processes need to be made as efficient as possible. With traditional disinfection methods, a lot of time is lost because the cleaning materials have to be fetched, the equipment has to be wiped down, and the dirty wipes have to be disposed of.

In contrast, using a cleaning box is very simple, and it doesn’t require employee training. Because the cleaning cycle only takes one minute, training sessions don’t have to be interrupted for long. The time that is saved can either be spent teaching advanced material, or the training courses can be made shorter, thus saving the business money.

Environmental Responsibility

Historically, food service companies created a lot of waste, but many are trying to cut down on this and decrease their carbon footprint. Acquiring a CleanBox is a great way of improving sustainability because this cleaning method doesn’t require the use of disposable items. As mentioned, each box is likely to last for many years, and during this time, no plastic wipes and chemicals are needed.

It’s also worth noting that the boxes are produced with LEDs instead of traditional bulbs, so they use a lot less electricity, and they don’t contain any heavy metals. When the time comes to dispose of the box, there won’t be any toxic waste.

Should All Food Service Businesses Get CleanBox?

At the moment, not all food service businesses need a CleanBox because they are not yet using VR technology for training sessions and they don’t ask employees to share any equipment. However, an increasing number of companies are cutting costs by implementing virtual reality solutions, so more and more firms will need advanced cleaning solutions.

Which Cleaning Box Should I Buy?

People who would like to sanitize headsets, earphones, or other devices worn on the head could get the CX Series, which is specifically designed for these kinds of gadgets. A more general solution is the OmniClean, which is suitable for a wide range of items, including kitchen equipment, shoes, purses, and tablets. The best way to find out more is to request a 15-minute demo and speak to a product expert.

Sanitizing head-mounted displays that are shared between multiple users is crucial because it prevents the spread of dangerous infections. The easiest and most effective method is UV sanitation. With the help of a UV cleaning box, employees can disinfect their headsets within 60 seconds, making them safe to use by the next person. Give us a call at CleanBox and ask us about the product options. We can create a customized solution for your business.

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