UV Light Can Keep Shared VR CAVE Headsets From Becoming a Contamination Liability

VR CAVE systems offer infinite possibilities for research and employee training in multiple sectors. However, for this technology to benefit companies, care will need to be taken to prevent the spread of disease via the device’s eyewear and headsets. UV cleaner boxes can prevent contaminated eyewear from becoming a workplace hazard. Cleanboxe’s globally-patented technology offers a way to prevent illness transmission and the liability issues it presents.

UV Light Can Keep Shared VR CAVE Headsets From Becoming a Contamination Liability

While VR CAVE systems expand education and research possibilities in numerous sectors, companies recognize the potential danger of shared eyewear. With the Coronavirus pandemic still an uncomfortably recent memory, companies are well-aware that they must take steps to protect the wellness of their employees in the workplace.

For businesses that have had employees balk at returning to on-site roles, the chance that a disgruntled employee could contract an illness at work and become litigious isn’t far-fetched. By implementing science-proven, verifiable hygiene practices to their standard operating procedures, companies can protect their employees from contagions and their company from lawsuits.

Cleanbox: The Proactive Choice

The time to implement UV cleaner boxes isn’t after employees have contracted a communicable illness. Though late may be better than never, courts look at proactive decisions more favorably than reactive decisions.

Instead of trying to prove a company values employee health in court, it’s better to prevent that battle from occurring. Preventing employee illness can keep businesses from ever having to defend workplace standards before a judge. Additionally, high-tech hygiene solutions in the workplace can improve employee and consumer perception of a company.

Walk the Walk

A company can claim to be forward-thinking and to have a strong culture of caring for employees, but if there isn’t action, the words will ring hollow. Businesses that claim to be technologically current and eco-friendly but still utilize disposable wipes undermine their brand statement entirely.

More than ever, consumers care about the ethics held by the businesses they support and do the legwork necessary to determine if companies are living up to their promises. By implementing innovative hygiene technology, enterprises show a willingness to elevate workplace standards for cleanliness, employee health, and environmental impact.

Hygiene Solutions for VR Equipment: UV Cleaner Boxes

The reasons why UVC disinfection units belong in any workplace that utilizes VR headwear and eyewear are extensive. Enterprises choosing to embrace VR CAVE technology will benefit from using contemporary cleaning practices that can keep pace with modern equipment’s disinfection challenges. The benefits of UVC disinfection units for VR equipment in the workplace are easily recognizable in the following areas:


Companies using disposable wipes to clean CAVE eyewear can experience significant savings by switching their sanitization method. Since each disposable wipe has one use and must be discarded, purchasing wipes is an ongoing expense. An enterprise that frequently uses CAVE systems will require an enormous number of wipes.

Additionally, disposable wipes also accumulate as trash that will eventually need to be removed, which leads to increased costs in the company’s workforce or service fees. Wipes are a wasteful cleaning option and impractical from a physical and financial standpoint.

Waste Free Cleaning

UV cleaner boxes have only the initial purchase expense. Instead of constantly purchasing wipes, enterprises will have one upfront fee and be set for years. Even companies that use eyewear and headsets daily find that Cleanbox units last for years.

These devices will offer long-term savings with a lifespan of approximately 600,000 cleans per unit. On average, disposable wipes cost 30X more than a UVC sanitization device. The volume of savings is a significant factor in many enterprises choosing to revolutionize how they approach disinfecting their VR equipment.

Effectiveness of Disinfection

Solutions like disposable wipes and sanitizing sprays are severely limited in their ability to thoroughly clean items such as headwear and eyewear. These traditional cleaning products may perform to standard on flat surfaces, but they are incapable of working effectively on items with various angles, grooves, and mixed materials. There are areas on headsets that are complicated to clean correctly, and pathogens can remain in these areas.

In addition, sprays and wipes leave a liquid residue that must be allowed to sit for a specific amount of time for maximum effectiveness. When training exercises need to be completed quickly, there is an increased risk of employees using the equipment before the liquid has dried, leaving them unprotected and at risk of skin irritation due to chemical exposure.

Effective Every Time

Cleanbox UVC units provide targeted LED ultraviolet C light rays via proprietary, globally patented LED technology, which removes 99.999% of viruses, bacteria, and fungal spores on the treated object. For UVC light rays to work effectively, they must be targeted and applied at the correct intensity from the appropriate distance for the required time.

The Omniclean and CX Series units ensure that every cleaning meets the parameters for total disinfection. Unlike cleaning solutions that need to sit on the surface for an extended period, the Omniclean and CX Series devices clean shared technology in just 60 seconds.

Ease of Use

Cleaning headsets and eyewear require employees to successfully navigate the headgear’s multiple moving components and grooves. No matter how carefully an employee tries to clean the device, there will still be areas that are overlooked.

Less conscientious employees may not even attempt a thorough cleaning and instead choose to give the item a cursory swipe with the wipe and call it a day. Any remaining pathogens on the device create the potential for virus transmission, which means user error must be mitigated when it comes to sanitizing shared technology.


Cleanbox’s cutting-edge technology is revolutionizing the standard operating procedure for cleaning headsets, eyewear, and other communal devices. These units prevent the possibility of user error impacting the disinfection cycle. Each unit is designed so when the item is placed inside; it is in the appropriate place for optimum disinfection. The user cannot change the distance the object is from the light source, alter the intensity of the rays, or limit the cycle length.

The streamlined sanitization process makes these units the ideal choice for workplaces where employees will be responsible for the cleaning of devices without guidance or supervision. When using these units, the standard operating procedure will be performed as follows:

  1. Load headset or eyewear
  2. Press start button
  3. Remove the device after the 60-second cleaning cycle
  4. Use disinfected device

Don’t Accept Imitations

The Coronavirus pandemic caused UVC light to become a common household term as individuals and companies searched for hygiene solutions. This interest in alternative disinfection methods produced many companies selling products they claimed could kill viruses. Unfortunately, most solutions peddled through online big-box retailers are ineffective, as not all UVC devices are created equal.

Devices using traditional UVC bulbs cannot produce the targeted rays needed for disinfection, and standard mercury bulbs emit ozone, making them hazardous for the workplace. Using subpar devices is one of the easiest ways to promote virus transmission, as employees will let their guard down, falsely believing they are protected. Employers should do their due diligence when purchasing UVC light to ensure they are not duped into buying an inferior product.

UVC disinfection units prevent diseases from transmitting through shared VR CAVE equipment. It also helps prevent companies from being liable if employees contract communicable diseases due to workplace training. Companies looking for a hygiene solution for the future will want to contact Cleanbox to schedule a 15-minute virtual demonstration.

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