Ford Uses AR Glasses to Streamline Repairs

More and more businesses are making use of virtual reality and augmented reality technology to improve customer services and streamline operations. In recent months, Ford has rolled out the use of AR glasses to improve the diagnostic accuracy of their technicians. Because the glasses are often shared between employees, ultraviolet light cleaning is recommended.

This technology disables 99.999% of pathogens within 60 seconds and therefore allows people to share electronic equipment without putting each other at risk. What’s more, a UV disinfection box is cheaper and more environmentally friendly than traditional cleaning methods such as wet wipes or sprays. At Cleanbox, there are several options, so every business can find a disinfection solution that fits their needs.

Ford AR Glasses to Streamline Repairs

Ford technicians are highly skilled and can identify most vehicle problems within minutes. However, some issues are trickier to detect, and the company has recently started using AR technology to gain a greater insight into what’s wrong with the vehicles their customers bring in. The program is called SWIS, or See What I See, and it comprises AR glasses that allow technicians to share images with and speak to the remote Technical Assistance Center.

With the help of the remote assistance software, the TAC team can then diagnose more complex problems and help the Ford technicians serve their customers faster and more accurately. Already, more than 1,200 headsets are in use and hundreds of See What I See sessions have been conducted. By November of 2022, the technology should be rolled out to individual Ford dealerships.

The Use of AR Is Likely to Increase

In addition to car dealerships, countless other businesses are likely to start using AR technology like See What I See to streamline their operations. For example, HVAC companies could use similar devices to diagnose customers’ problems remotely, and technicians in various fields could improve their accuracy by making use of the technology.

Some experts even believe that AR glasses will be used as training tools to help people experience situations they might encounter on the job. The solution is simple and cost-effective since Technical Assistance Center employees don’t need to be onsite and can therefore work with several businesses at once.

Why Cleaning AR Glasses Properly Is Key

AR glasses are an innovative solution that can improve the customer experience at dealerships and other businesses. But currently, the technology is expensive, and it’s unlikely that every branch will be able to afford a pair of glasses for every employee. Devices will need to be shared, which can pose a safety risk due to the potential for contamination.

To reduce the chance of illness, cleaning AR glasses before passing them on to another employee is key. When adopting this new technology, companies like Ford will need to consider which decontamination tools work best. In most cases, buying a UV disinfecting box could be the optimal long-term solution. Unlike traditional wet wipes and sprays, ultraviolet light cleaning is quick, environmentally friendly, and 99.999% effective.

Avoiding Contamination Between Employees

When cleaning a set of AR glasses with wet wipes, there is no guarantee that every surface is covered, especially if employees are keen on moving on to the next task and don’t spend several minutes wiping down the equipment. This means that there could still be a large number of pathogens on the glasses when they are passed to the next person, which can cause an infection.

With a UV disinfection box, there is very little risk because the machine automatically cleans the glasses, removing 99.999% of pathogens in the process. Employees can simply place the glasses in the box and then run the cleaning cycle. Once it is complete, there is virtually no chance of infection because the reproductive capacity of the pathogens has been disabled.

Reducing the Environmental Impact of Cleaning

One of the biggest problems with traditional wipes is that they create an enormous amount of waste. Since the Coronavirus pandemic, millions of tons of extra waste have been produced, which taxes the environment and creates long-term problems. In contrast, a UV disinfection box is extremely long-lasting and doesn’t require the use of any disposable parts.

On average, each box can be used for 10,000 hours, which equates to 600,000 individual cleaning cycles. The larger boxes can accommodate several headsets or glasses at once, so this equates to millions of individual devices cleaned. Instead of using wipes for each one, companies will only require a small amount of electricity for each cleaning cycle.

Speeding Up Operations

Cleaning electronic equipment the traditional way can be time-consuming. To reduce the chance of infection, employees have to carefully wipe every surface of the AR tools they used, which can take several minutes. What’s more, wipes and disinfectant spray have to be bought on a regular basis. This can take up valuable time and make the use of AR devices less practical.

A UV disinfection box speeds up the process. Each cleaning cycle only takes 60 seconds. As soon as it’s over, the devices can be removed from the box and used by the next employee. There’s no need for wiping, cleaning, or drying.

Saving Money

Initially, buying a disinfection tool is more expensive than simply purchasing some wipes, but in the long run, a Cleanbox is much cheaper. This is because it’s extremely durable and can be used for 600,000 cleaning cycles, whereas each disinfectant wipe has to be disposed of after one use. It’s also worth considering that some of the chemicals used in many wipes can damage electronic equipment, whereas UV rays don’t have an impact on the materials.

How Ultraviolet Light Cleaning Works

Ultraviolet light can be broken up into several ranges. UV-C waves are the smallest, and they are able to penetrate pathogens and disable their DNA or RNA. As a result, viruses and bacteria can’t reproduce, and they are no longer dangerous to humans. All Cleanbox products use patented UV-C LED light engineering, a technology that is more effective than UV-C bulbs because more specific wavelengths can be selected.

Light-emitting diodes (LED) are made up of multiple layers, and they can be designed to emit exactly those UV-C photons that stop the replication of both viruses and bacteria. The technology is long-lasting, temperature independent, and environmentally friendly because it doesn’t contain heavy metals like traditional bulbs. LEDs also don’t require a warm-up time, so the disinfection cycle can be started immediately.

How Businesses Can Get Started with Cleanbox

Businesses that are using technology solutions such as AR glasses, VR headsets, earphones, headphones, or watches should consider purchasing a UV disinfection box, especially if devices are shared between employees. There are various products available, so companies can select a type of tool and size that fits their needs.

For example, businesses that need to have headsets disinfected could choose a CX device, which is ideal for disinfecting head-mounted displays. OmniClean is another excellent option that can clean various devices, from iPads to watches. This is particularly effective for devices with uneven surfaces and many angles because it provides 360-degree UVC coverage.

To diagnose more complex problems and streamline repairs, Ford is now using AR glasses. Because the devices are often shared between employees, they need to be cleaned quickly and reliably. Ultraviolet light cleaning is the ideal solution. It is 99.999% effective, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective. What’s more, each cleaning cycle only takes 60 seconds.

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