Elementary Schools With Shared Toys and Devices Can Reduce Contamination Risk With CleanBox OmniClean

Any elementary school teacher can attest to the difficulty of preventing illness from spreading in the classroom. Shared toys and electronic devices are frequently vectors for pathogens. Even the most dedicated teacher will be unable to maintain hygiene standards unless they approach disinfection from a new perspective. The OmniClean and other UVC sanitizer boxes created by Cleanbox give teachers a fighting chance at keeping classrooms sanitary.

Elementary Schools With Shared Toys and Devices Can Reduce Contamination Risk With CleanBox’s OmniClean

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, classrooms were a prime location to contract a contagious illness. Educators battled to keep the respiratory flu from overrunning their classrooms in the cooler months, while viruses such as Streptococcus and bacteria such as Salmonella were a year-round threat. Previously, the standard for preventing the spread of pathogens was using wipes to clean objects, which has since been proven to be a less than ideal hygiene solution.

The pandemic illuminated how ineffective these outdated disinfection methods are and illustrated the need for a safe, effective, and affordable disinfection protocol to be created. UVC sanitizer boxes are well-equipped to meet the needs of educators in search of an alternative disinfection solution that is student-friendly and can fit within the constraints of a tight budget.

Understanding the Science: UVC Sanitizer Boxes

UV Rays: A, B, and C

When most individuals think of ultraviolet light, they picture ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B light. A and B light rays are responsible for the tanning and burning caused by the sun and the damaging effects of the sun on materials such as wood, rope, or fabric.

Although A and B rays may cause sunburn and dry rot, ultraviolet C rays don’t. UVC rays are incapable of permeating the Earth’s atmosphere, preventing them from naturally impacting humanity positively or negatively. When used at the appropriate wavelength for disinfection purposes, UVC lights pose no health risks.

Pathogen Elimination

Viruses and bacteria are adaptable and can create immunity to eradication methods they are exposed to frequently. This adaptability is why strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria are becoming more prevalent, and companies that make chemical disinfectants constantly have to modify their products. However, pathogens cannot build immunity to a disinfection method they don’t encounter.

Ultraviolet C rays are not naturally occurring within the Earth’s atmosphere, making it impossible for pathogens to build up a resistance to them. Even chemical compounds designed for disinfection cannot match the pathogen eradication powers of UVC rays. UVC light works by dismantling the virus or bacteria on a genetic level. Once the DNA or RNA of a pathogen has been altered, the cell is no longer capable of spreading disease and is rendered non-contagious.

How UVC Lights Works

For UVC light to inactivate contagions, it must be emitted in the nanometer range of 250nm-280nm. How intense the light is will also impact the efficiency of the disinfection cycle. Cleanbox’s globally patented LED UVC technology is exceptionally effective at destroying pathogens because the rays emitted by the LEDs are intensely targeted for optimum decontamination.

Another component of a successful disinfection cycle is exposure, as unless light touches the entire surface of the item, hospital-grade disinfection cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, ensuring the light source is not obstructed and appropriately distanced from the object being sanitized is another critical component of UVC disinfection.

Effortless Sanitization

Numerous factors must be precisely balanced for UVC light to perform optimally. However, Cleanbox’s devices eliminate the opportunity for any elements to be missed or incorrectly used.

Each model was created to expose the object being sanitized to UVC light in a way that allows for maximum virus mitigation without risk of damage to the item. Units are programmed to perform disinfection at a success rate of 99.999%, matching healthcare-level sanitation standards.

Designed With User Ease in Mind

Cleanbox units are created to be intuitive and accessible to users of all ages and skill levels. Although some UVC products are challenging to utilize, such as UVC wands, the OmniClean is impossible to misuse. Students in elementary school are more than capable of using these disinfection chambers, as the units are much easier to use than the average smartphone.

Standard Operating Procedure for a UVC Chamber

Students familiar with technology, such as video games and smartphones, will instinctively understand how to work these units. There is no learning curve required for faculty members or students, which allows schools to transition to this innovative decontamination protocol without completing staff training or passing out instructions. The ease at which a student can use this device is demonstrated in the following example of disinfection SOP utilizing a UVC unit:

Step One:

The first thing the student will need to do is select which item they would like to place in the chamber. Any object that fits inside the unit can be sanitized, including electronic devices and toys.

Step Two:

After the item has been placed inside the unit, the student will shut the chamber door. Then they will press the easily visible start button to begin the cycle.

Step Three:

Once the 60-second cleaning session has finished, the student will remove the item from the unit. Unlike wipes and other chemical cleaning agents, the student will not have to wait for chemicals to dry or wipe off any residue before using the item.

Replace Mediocre Cleaning Solutions

Disposable wipes may have been a staple in classrooms for years, but their uses are rapidly diminishing. The rise of less wasteful, more effective options has highlighted how poorly wipes function as a disinfection method for electronics, toys, and other community items in the classroom.

Using wipes as a primary disinfection method is expensive and a poor way to use school funds. As each wipe should only be used once, teachers can go through hundreds of wipes when cleaning shared items as often as advised to limit disease transmission. Funds used to purchase wipes could be reallocated to improve classroom resources, pay for field trips, or even throw an end-of-the-semester party for students to enjoy.

Impossible to Evaluate

In addition to being expensive and wasteful, wipes make it challenging to ensure an item has been thoroughly cleaned. The effectiveness of wipes directly correlates to the individual using them and how much care they take with the disinfection process. Additionally, to use a wipe properly, educators must take the time to clean around every crevice and crack on the object being sanitized.

Appropriately disinfecting toys and electronics is tedious and slow, as intricate parts slow the disinfection process. When wipes are used for disinfection, the cleaning process cannot be left to the student since they may not understand the importance of meticulous cleaning and place themselves and their classmates at risk.

Cutting-Edge Contagion Eradication

UVC sanitizer boxes remove any doubt from decontamination. Being held to a hospital-grade disinfection level means the OmniClean eliminates 99.999% of contagions. Also, the same standard of hygiene is maintained regardless of the user, enabling students to use the device to sanitize items without the potential for a sub-par outcome.

Introducing UVC disinfection units to an educational facility is a way to be proactive in protecting the health of faculty members and students. Contact Cleanbox and discover how advanced UVC LED Disinfection Technology can kill harmful pathogens on toys and electronics. Then, snag a spot in a virtual demonstration for an inside look at the radical UVC light devices available for classroom use.

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