Cleanbox Return on Investment (ROI) Analysis

Cleanbox devices deliver four (4) years of maintenance-free cleaning with up to 600,000 cleaning cycles. When considering the cost of Cleanbox, we strongly recommend evaluating it as a four-year investment and examining the monthly cost versus the cost of using wipes. In the first month of ownership, even with just a few VR headsets, clients will see an ROI of at least 10x.

Cleanbox Impact Globally

Over 2,000 organizations worldwide trust Cleanbox products. Based on conservative estimates, our clients perform approximately 500,000 cleaning cycles every single month. This translates to a significant cost savings and reduction of environmental impact, and significant improvement in health and safety and employee productivity.

Keeping Millions of Wipes Out of Landfills Each Month While Saving Money

Without Cleanbox, it would require a minimum of 3 wipes per clean. Based on 500,000 cleans per month, Cleanbox devices are keeping at least 1.5 million wipes out of landfills and saving clients more than $600,000 in direct cost of wipes alone.

Labor Cost Savings

Cleanbox devices help organizations save significant amounts of human labor time that would otherwise be spent cleaning with wipes. Thoroughly cleaning a complex device like a VR/AR headset with wipes would require approximately 5 minutes of careful wetting using non-alcohol anti-bacterial wipes, followed by 4-10 minutes of leaving the device wet ( to achieve any amount of real disinfection. In contrast, a Cleanbox cycle takes only 1 minute to consistently and safely deliver 99.999% disinfection, along with drying, locking, storing and charging. 

For this ROI study, we estimate a conservative manual labor time of 5 minutes for manual wipes. Considering 500,000 cleans per month, Cleanbox devices worldwide saves 42,000 hours of human labor. At an hourly employee rate of $20 this results in savings of $840,000. 

Improving Human Heath & Safety and Employee Productivity

In addition to the savings, using Cleanbox devices ensures a higher degree of safety due to lab-validated disinfection of 99.999%. Even if every company decontaminated perfectly with wipes, the net result would be a maximum of 99.9% decontamination rate, which is statistically significant in terms of infection control and the impact on human health and safety.

The human impact of using Cleanbox devices is also significant. For instance, consider that, on any given day, 2.5% of the 165 million US workforce is home sick with the cold and flu, 80% of which is the result of touching dirty objects and surfaces. This equates to about 4.1 million people who are not productive, are spreading contagion to others, and are consuming healthcare services. If the impact of using Cleanbox at 99.999% disinfection were to prevent just 1/10th of 1 percent improvement in health and safety, this translates to 4,100 employees who are healthy and productive. At $20 per hour, this translates to $2m in employee productivity improvement.  

Cleanbox ROI Evaluation for a VR Training Lab with 4 Headsets

Using Cleanbox devices significantly reduces the risk of infection for companies, employees, and end-users of VR and AR programs. In addition, Cleanbox devices deliver a positive ROI in month 1 and saves thousands of dollars over a typical 4-year minimum, maintenance-free life of a Cleanbox.

To illustrate, the following ROI analysis, supposes a VR training lab with 4 VR headsets (of any type) that are used 2 times per day, requiring 8 cleanings per day. The estimated savings per month, year and lifetime of a Cleanbox represent nearly 10x savings while achieving statistically significantly better disinfection.

Quantity of Wipes Used Per Clean 30
Cost of Wipes ($44/100 wipes) $1.32$0.00
Manual Labor Time per Clean 5 Minutes
(Carefully Wet Headset
with Cleaning Liquid)  
Additional Time per Clean 5 minutes
(Leave Device Wet
for Minimum Efficacy)        
1 Minute Cleaning Cycle 
Manual Labor Cost per Clean
(@ $20 per Hour) 
$1.66 $0.00
Total Cost per Clean $2.98$0.00
Monthly Cost
(8 Cleans per Day)
$477$50 per month for a CX1:
($2,200 financed over 4 years)
Annual Cost$5,724$600
4-Year Cost  $22,896$2,400
Effectiveness 99.9% (Max Efficacy) 99.999% Every Cycle 

Even in small VR environment with 4 headsets with only 2 cleanings per day, Cleanbox delivers a lifetime savings of $20,496

Summary of Cleanbox ROI

  1. Cost of Wipes and Manual Labor: Cleanbox saves up to 10x in time and materials costs while reducing waste and environmental impact of wipes
  2. Effectiveness of Cleaning: Cleanbox delivers a safe and consistent 99.999% disinfection rate vs. 99.9% at max effectiveness using wipes.
  3. Impact on Health & Safety: At 99.999% disinfection, 100x more than wipes, if over 4 years, Cleanbox keeps just 1 employee from contracting the common cold and staying home for 3 days, a Cleanbox investment pays for itself just on this ROI.
  4. Damage to Devices from Continual Manual Cleaning: Cleanbox patented UVC LED light is proven safe for fabrics, plastics, electronics, lenses, etc. vs. cleaning with chemical cleaners that over time can damage materials.
  5. Cleanbox Features: In addition to disinfection, Cleanbox devices provide drying, storage, locking, and charging. They can also be used to clean a wide range of frequently touched or shared devices from cell phones to office equipment.

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